Ankle Sprain Recovery: First Steps after Ankle Injury!

Hello, if you have an ankle sprain, then I understand how uncomfortable and frustrating it can be. But don’t worry, I will help you get your ankle back to normal.

The pain and discomfort caused by a slipped or twisted ankle can be difficult to deal with. However, we have an immediate approach to assist you following your ankle sprain injury. Consider it a personalized roadmap for healing your ankle.

While it is important to note that healing a sprained ankle overnight is not possible. So, in this blog, I will walk you through the first steps that you can take to ensure a successful recovery. So, if you or someone you know has an ankle sprain read this blog till the end.

Understanding Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain happens when the ligaments that support the ankle get overly stretched or torn. This can happen when you step into a hole or your ankle gets twisted while walking, running or playing football.

Ankle Sprain pain recovery

Ankle sprains frequently occur when the ankle is bent and twisted inward, such as when your foot turns towards the opposite foot. 

However, by taking good rest and proper treatment you can heal the ankle sprains within 4-6 weeks. But sometimes the pain can take a longer time to heal. 

The signs of an ankle sprain depend on how serious it is. Here are the most common symptoms of ankle sprains. They are as follows:

  • Pain 
  • Swelling 
  • Soreness
  • Bruising
  • Trouble bearing weight or walking on the ankle 

To diagnose an ankle sprain, doctors will ask you about the injury and will conduct an examination. They will check the bones and soft tissue of the ankle. They will also examine your motion and conduct strength tests. 

In some cases, the doctor might ask you to perform an X-ray or other imaging tests to check if there are some other injuries such as a broken bone. 

So after understanding about ankle sprain let us now check at the first steps to perform after ankle injury.

First aid tips for healing 

1. R.I.C.E

The primary question after an ankle sprain is how to heal a sprained ankle fast, so if you have recently suffered from an ankle sprain it is best to react quickly and start fixing it. You should immediately follow the following steps for quick and complete recovery from the pain.

The abbreviation of R.I.C.E stands for Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate. Let us look at it in detail.


Rest for ankle sprain recovery

The most important step to do is rest. Your doctor will recommend not putting any stress or weight on the injured area for the next 48 to 72 hours. And, you might need to use crutches. Initially, a splint or brace can be helpful. But remember do not stop all your activity. 

Even, with an ankle sprain you can perform basic tasks and still exercise which will keep other muscles strong. 

For example, if you own an exercise bicycle with arm exercise handles, then you can place both your arms on it. Then, place your uninjured leg on the pedal while letting your injured ankle rest on another part of the bike. 

This will allow you to perform three-limb exercises which will help you to keep your heart and lungs healthy.


Ice for sprained ankle recovery

Secondly, icing the area will help you to get some relief. You can use a cold pack, a slush bath or a compression sleeve fd with cold water which will restrict the spread of swelling after an injury. After the injury immediately ice the area as soon as possible and continue icing it for 15 to 20 minutes. 

You should do the icing at least six to eight times a day for the first 48 hours or until the swelling disappears. If you are using ice, be careful and make sure not to use it for too long as this might damage your tissue.


Compressing helps to prevent further swelling of the ankle. Compression will prevent fluid from accumulating at the joint. It involves wrapping the foot with the help of an elastic tensor or a bandage which you can get at your nearest medical store. 

You need to gently wrap your foot from the toes to the mid-calf region. Make sure not to wrap too tightly. Your foot should be comfortable to move. If you feel the wrap is tight or uncomfortable or if you feel like there is no proper circulation then you should immediately lose the bandage.


Elevate the injured leg for ankle pain

The last step in this treatment process is to elevate. Elevating the injured leg is important during the recovery period. And, elevating your leg will let down the pressure of your foot. As, a result it will help in improving the blood circulation in the leg. 

Thus, elevating your leg helps stop fluid from gathering and can make your leg feel better. Hence, it will provide some comfort and will help in speedy recovery.

2. Heating

Heating pad

Heating helps in increasing blood flow which will help in speedy recovery. Some people also feel that it helps relax the tight muscles which eases the pain and tension. Hence it provides instant relaxation. 

But do not heat if your ankle is still swollen as this can increase inflammation and can slow down the healing. 

Once the swelling is gone, apply a heat pack for 15-20 minutes at any time. Some people feel better by using both hot and cold packs. But make sure you only try heat packs after the swelling is gone not immediately after the injury.

3. Stretching 

Stretching for ankle health

If you experience an ankle injury then it might damage other muscles too. This is possible mainly if the muscles and tissues haven’t been used a lot and have become weak. 

However, stretching can help you to make muscles strong and limber. It also helps in blood circulation to the damaged area, which can help your ankle to heal faster. 

Gently stretch your ankle by moving it in all directions. You should perform this activity at least three times a day. Try flexing the foot forward, then backwards or rolling it clockwise and then anti-clockwise. 

However, make sure that you do not stress the ankle or move it in any direction that hurts it.

4. Walking

Walking exercises

The pain and swelling immediately after the ankle sprain can be severe. And, this makes it impossible to stress or move the joint.

As the swelling gets down walking can help you in healing the ankle sprain. You can slowly start with short walks within the house or in the garden. Then as your ankle begins to heal gradually start walking for longer distances. 

However, initially walking might require a supporting hand to hold you which will avoid excess weight on the joint. 

If you feel any stress then wait for a day or two and try again.

5. Exercise

Ankle exercise using resistance band

Doing exercise can help you restore your muscle strength and balance. It will also  prevent muscles from weakening in the area. This will lower the risk of another sprain.

Once the swelling is gone slowly start walking once you are comfortable and it can be a good exercise for the ankle.

A person can perform the following exercises for 10-15 minutes every other day which will help you in strengthening your muscle. Here are the steps:

  • Place your heels hanging over the edge of a low step. 
  • Hold this position for a short while, allowing your heels to drop a little. 
  • Next, elevate your heels over your toes.
  • After 30 to 60 seconds, stand on one foot and then the other. This ensures that the strength of both ankles is equal.
  • Place a band of elastic below your foot to provide slight resistance. 
  • Then, rotate your ankle clockwise and then in an anti-clockwise direction.
  • Now, stand on one leg and play catch; then, move to the other leg. This improves your ability to balance.

6. Massage

Ankle Massage

Massage can help to lower the pain as it will enhance the blood flow towards the sprained area. 

You can do this sprained ankle self-care at home. Some people say massaging the bottom of the foot or heel provides relief, while some people find relief massaging around or just above the ankle.

If the injury is severe and painful then one should consult a qualified massage therapist.

Note: if your pain increases or worsens then you should immediately stop massaging the ankle.

7. Physical therapy 

Physical therapy for ankle sprain recovery

Physical therapy can be beneficial for people who have been experiencing pain for a long time due to a serious sprain or with a history of similar injuries. 

A physical therapist will examine the ankle and identify weak muscles along with other issues that can cause pain and increase the injury risk.

They will also ask questions related to your lifestyle, diet and many more. 

Based on the examination results the physical therapist will create a customized exercise plan which will help you in sprained ankle recovery and will ease the pain. 

Sprains usually take some days or even months to recover. As the pain and swelling improve slowly start to work by using the injured area. 

You should feel a slow and progressive improvement. Consuming painkillers can help you to manage pain during the healing process. 

It is crucial to restore strength and stability to the injured limb before you get back to your sports, gym or other fitness activity. 

A physical therapist or an expert in sports medicine can help you to get the right medicines and stability exercises that will optimize healing and minimize the risk of repeat injury.

The injuries that cause sprains can also lead to serious injuries which include fractures. So, consult to doctor if your sprain is not improving after two or three days. 

What else can you do?

There are several things that you can do during this ankle sprain recovery process. These include taking medication. You can consume some medicines which will help you with the pain. But, this will not heal your injury faster.

How to heal a sprained ankle fast? This is the second most popular question if you consume non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) then they will help you to counter the effects of inflammation such as swelling. 

You can consult with your doctor to provide NSAIDs for managing the pain and swelling. 

However, if you are experiencing severe pain or if you are not able to put any weight on the ankle then you need to visit a doctor. In this case, your injury might be more serious than a regular sprain. 

There might be a possibility of having torn a ligament or broken or fractured bone. Your doctor will examine your foot and check how serious the injury is. 

Get back on your feet

Ankle Sprain Recovery

Finally, once the pain and swelling are gone, you can start with your normal activities. You can gradually put weight on your ankle to get back to where you were before the injury. But remember that full recovery takes time, so don’t rush.

However, patience and proper care are required while recovering from an ankle sprain. Taking appropriate treatments, such as R.I.C.E therapy (rest, ice, compression, and elevation), gentle stretching, and gradually increasing your activity levels, will help you heal faster and regain muscle strength.

But, if you are experiencing severe pain, listen to your body and see a healthcare professional.

With time and dedication to rehabilitation, you’ll be back on your feet and enjoy daily activities with increased strength and resilience.