15 Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

My elder brother suffered from persistent lower back pain because of his long working hours. He initially ignored the discomfort, but as time passed, the pain became more severe. 

Then we consulted a physiotherapist, who performed a thorough assessment. The assessment consisted of detailed questions about his daily routine and examinations.

Following the assessment, the physiotherapist suggested a list of physiotherapy exercises for lower back pain.

These exercises proved to be extremely beneficial, significantly reducing his discomfort and improving his overall health.

So, in today’s post, I will be discussing the top physical therapy exercises for lower back pain that can help you lower your back pain.

What is back pain?

Back pain is among the most common complaints. The symptoms vary from mild aches and pains to severe pain. You may also experience numbness and tingling in your lower limbs. Injuries to muscles or ligaments can cause lower back pain.

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

The lower back, known as the lumbar region, begins below the ribcage. The majority of injuries, conditions, and diseases are often linked to the lower back muscles or tendons.

What are the common causes of back pain?

  • One of the primary causes of back pain is muscle strain. 
  • Back pain can be caused by a condition known as “sciatica.” It occurs due to repeated movements, such as lifting heavy objects and lying in positions that put pressure on the back or lower back. 
  • Some people may strain their back by coughing, sneezing, twisting, or bending. 
  • Injury caused by an accident in which the spine’s bones fracture. Certain conditions, such as spondylolysis and osteoporosis, increase the risk of fractures. 
  • The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which causes lower back pain.
  • Osteoarthritis is another common cause of back pain in the spine. 
  • Back pain has a connection to the core muscles or abdominal muscles. When the core muscles are weak, it affects ligaments, spinal bones, and discs, resulting in instability and, eventually, back or lower back pain.

Top 15 Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Here are some useful physiotherapy exercises for back pain. They help increase the strength, flexibility, and overall functioning of your back.

Child pose

Step 1: Take a deep breath and bend your body forward over your thighs. 

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: Gently stretch your neck and back by pulling your ribs away from your hips.

Step 3: Now, lift your head away from your shoulders. 

Step 4: Rest your forehead on the floor.

Step 5: Stretch your arms out in front. 

Step 6: Lastly, hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds. 

Standing forward, fold

Step 1: Stand straight by placing your feet together and keeping your arms beside your sides. 

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: In the second step, take a deep breath in and then breathe out by lowering your chin to the chest. 

Step 3: Now, slowly bend and try to touch your head to the floor.

Step 4: Hold onto your toes, elbows, and ankles, or simply touch the floor with your hands.

Step 5: Now, hold this position for 30–60 seconds. 

Note: Don’t force yourself if you cannot touch your head to the floor. 

Cat/Cow pose

Step 1: Firstly, get down on your hands and knees. 

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: Your shoulders should be over the wrists and your hips above the knees.

Step 3: Now, take a deep breath in and then breathe out around your back. 

Step 4: Gently lower your head towards the floor. 

Step 5: Slowly inhale and lift your head, chest, and tailbone upwards.

Step 6: Lastly, hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds.

Knees to chest

Step 1: Gently lie down on your back. 

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: Hold both knees up towards your chest. 

Step 3: Now, hug them with your arms. 

Step 4: Then gently push your body back and forth while holding your legs. 

Step 5: Keep doing this for 60 seconds. 

Sphinx Pose

Step 1: Firstly, lie on your stomach and keep your legs straight behind you. 

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: Secondly, place your elbow under your shoulders and rest your forearms on the floor. 

Step 3: Now, lift your chest off the floor while keeping your hips and thighs on the floor. 

Step 4: Then, gently stretch your spine and relax your shoulders. 

Step 5: Slightly rise and sit until you feel a stretch in your lower back. 

Thread the Needle

Step 1: To perform this exercise, you need to get on your hands and knees, just like a table. 

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: Now, slide your right arm under your left arm across your body with your palm facing up. 

Step 3: Then slightly bend your left elbow and gently lean towards the right. 

Step 4: You should feel the stretch in your right shoulder. 

Step 5: Lastly, hold this stretch for 30 to 60 seconds, and then repeat this stretch with your left arm.

Reclined Supine Twist

Step 1: To perform this twist gently, lie on your back.

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: In the second step, hug your knees to your chest. 

Step 3: Now, lower both knees to one side and twist your upper body to the opposite side.

Step 4: Hold this position for at least 30 seconds, and then repeat all the steps on the other side. 

Happy Baby

Step 1: First, lie on your back by bending your knees and keeping your feet flat on the floor. 

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: Secondly, lift your feet off the floor and the outside edges of your feet with your hands.

Step 3: Now, pull your feet towards your chest by keeping your knees towards the floor on each side. 

Step 4: Keep your back flat on the floor and maintain this position for 30 to 60 seconds.

T-Spine Windmill 

Step 1: Lie on your right side, knees stacked, hips bent at 90 degrees.

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: Place your arms and hands on the floor, extended to the right. Make sure your palms are touching.  

Step 3: Slowly raise your upper arm and bring it out to the left side, opening up your body. 

Step 4: Keep an eye on the moving hand. 

Step 5: Continue moving until you can’t rotate your spine any further. 

Step 6: Hold this position for about 10 seconds, then return to your starting position. This is one rep. 

Reclined Pigeon Pose

Step 1: Lie on your back.

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: Cross your right foot over your left thigh, then bend your left knee.

Step 3: Hold the back of your left leg and gently pull it to your chest.

Step 4: Hold this stretch for 30–60 seconds, until you feel comfortable.

Step 5: Switch sides and repeat the stretch.

Seated Spinal Twist on the Floor

Step 1: Sit with your back straight and your legs crossed.

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: Place your hands on one thigh. 

Step 3: Sit up straight and gently twist your body while looking back. 

Step 4: Hold this position for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position. This is one rep.

Hamstring Stretch 

Step 1: Lie on your back. 

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: Bend one leg and raise the other into the air. 

Step 3: Place a stretch band around the foot of the lifted leg. 

Step 4: Hold this position for thirty seconds. 

Step 5: Repeat for the other leg. 

Step 6: Repeat this sequence five times for each leg.

Foam Rolling

Step 1: Place the foam roller under your middle back. 

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: Keep your backside to the ground. 

Step 3: Gently lean back to extend your spine. 

Step 4: Hold this position for 30 seconds. 

Step 5: Repeat it to relieve lower back pain.

Pelvic Tilts 

Step 1: To perform pelvic tilts, lie on your back. 

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: Now, arch your lower back. 

Step 3: Gently flatten your lower back against the ground. 

Step 4: Repeat the movement 30 times.

Seated Spinal Twist in Chair 

Step 1: Sit straight in a chair by keeping your feet flat on the floor. 

Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Step 2: Secondly, keep your pelvis straight and not rounded. 

Step 3: Keep both hands on your thighs. 

Step 4: Use your hands to gently twist your spine to one side. 

Step 5: Hold this position for ten seconds. 

Step 6: Lastly, return to the starting position.

The best way to plan physiotherapy exercises for back pain 

If you are experiencing back pain, then there are numerous methods for treating lower back pain and improving your range of motion. 

If you have back pain caused by a strain or sprain, you should see an experienced physiotherapist who can help you relieve your pain. 

With the help of a physiotherapist, you can easily gain flexibility and gradually experience less pain. 

Physiotherapists are specially trained to identify even the most unusual back pain. They have in-depth knowledge of the anatomy and biomechanics of the back and lower back to manage it properly. 

A physical therapist’s recommended exercises for back pain will strengthen your lower back and relieve pain.

Summing Up 

Lastly, if you have lower back pain, seeing a physiotherapist can help. These professionals are skilled at diagnosing and treating a variety of back pain conditions. 

They can create a personalized plan of physiotherapy exercises based on your specific needs, which will help to strengthen your back, improve flexibility, and relieve pain. 

By involving these physical therapy exercises for lower back pain in your routine, you can significantly progress towards lowering lower back pain and improving your overall well-being.